The Roots: Lucca tissue market

Tubicom was founded in 1993. The roots of the activity have always referred to the Lucca Paper District, one of the most important paper production poles in the world.
Certainly the development of the Lucca paper district was the geolocation and morphological aspect of the area on which it was founded. The location on the Mediterranean basin and the numerous rivers that allowed the machinery to operate smoothly in the first years after the start-up of activities were strategic.
Today, with a production of about 1,000,000 tons per year of corrugated paper and 900,000 tons of tissue paper, Lucca undoubtedly holds a good part of the Italian market share and an export value of about 700 million per year.
Over the years, the entire production chain has seen significant investments in technological and logistical improvement and refinement.


Tubicom helps reducing the planning of the customer's production cycle with its Stock on Demand service, a system of deferred deliveries on time throughout the year.


Customisation is certainly a distinctive feature of the Tubicom offer. The cardboard tubes are produced, according to the customer's specifications, in specific sizes, diameters, thicknesses and strengths.


Availability and flexibility are the two key elements of our corporate strategy. Efficiency is based on the careful training of our staff, who are able to respond to all kinds of customer requests.
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